Monday 8 June 2009

First Podcast! Hebrews 4:12

Hi and welcome to the very first word2go podcast. This has been a real journey of discovery for me and I hope you also will discover just how powerful God's word is to strengthen and encourage you and fill you with faith as you begin to really engage with God's Word.

I've been reading and studying the Bible for a long time - almost every day since I was a child - But it's one thing to read it and another thing to really get it into your heart. Hebrews 4:12 says 'For the Word of God is living and active'. When the word of God gets inside us, it grows and changes things in our lives because it's a living word. There is a cross-over point where a verse or passage is no longer just words on a page but something with a heart beat that lives and breathes within us.

Right now my wife Kylie is in her 24th week of pregnancy. Sometimes we just marvel at this miracle - that there is a real live person living and growing inside Kylie! And Kylie doesn't have to do anything to make it grow. (Except eat and drink which she does anyway) The baby is living and I might add very active. I think you can see the comparison. All we have to do is get the Word of God into us and then it takes on a life of it's own. Somehow the truth of that verse becomes so real to us we could touch it. If I was to coin a phrase for it, I would call this process the transubstitution of verses!

There is something powerful about saying God's word out loud and for me, singing it really helps me to absorb it at an emotional level and not just at an intellectual level. Try singing the verses throughout the day as well. You'll be amazed at how real God's Word will become to you and the insights that you'll gain. Someone once said 'a journey of a 1000 miles starts with a single step'. Join me on the journey and lets see where it takes us. Enjoy!

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